Team members

Wanda Whitaker

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Wanda Whitaker is a highly experienced Certified Surgical Technologist with over 20 years of expertise in various surgical procedures, including general surgery, orthopedics, and plastic surgery. Known for her organizational skills and ability to anticipate the needs of surgeons, she has successfully worked in both ambulatory and hospital settings, with recent experience as a traveling surgical technologist across multiple states.

Member of:
Board of DirectorsTeam HeartsTeam ChicagoTeam Cleft RepairTeam DentalTeam ENTTeam FLTeam Hong KongTeam KidsTeam Los AngelesTeam ManhattanTeam MichiganTeam NeuroTeam New YorkTeam OrthopedicTeam Restore VisionTeam SpainTeam Surgical ReliefTeam UKWomen's Health