Team members

Richard Maggio

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Dr. Richard Maggio is a highly experienced urologic surgeon with over 30 years of practice in New York City. He is passionate about providing exceptional care and advancing the field of urology. Dr. Maggio is honored to accompany Team Florida on their life-changing mission to Ghana, where he is committed to using his expertise to improve healthcare outcomes and make a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

Member of:
Board of DirectorsTeam HeartsTeam ChicagoTeam Cleft RepairTeam DentalTeam ENTTeam FLTeam Hong KongTeam KidsTeam Los AngelesTeam ManhattanTeam MichiganTeam NeuroTeam New YorkTeam OrthopedicTeam Restore VisionTeam SpainTeam Surgical ReliefTeam UKWomen's Health