Team members

Gary Stephens

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Dr. Stephens started his work in Guyana in 2005 by creating a cardiac catheterization lab for patients to get studies of their coronary arteries. The first surgical mission was successfully completed in 2007. He has since performed hundreds of life-saving operations through the Caribbean Heart Institute. He organizes several missions per year and works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital.

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Board of DirectorsTeam HeartsTeam ChicagoTeam Cleft RepairTeam DentalTeam ENTTeam FLTeam Hong KongTeam KidsTeam Los AngelesTeam ManhattanTeam MichiganTeam NeuroTeam New YorkTeam OrthopedicTeam Restore VisionTeam SpainTeam Surgical ReliefTeam UKWomen's Health