Tanzania 2024

Mission Goals

Team Dental finished its first mission to Tanzania with amazing success, treating upwards of 1,200 people in just six days. This extraordinary mission represents, by far, the largest number of patients seen in the history of the Operation International dental team’s trips, team leader Dr. Nilesh Patel noted.


Team members

Nilesh Patel
Amul Patel
Brian Alvarez
Saya Patel
Bhakti Patel
Gabriella Caccire

Mission details

The Dental Team made their first visit to Tanzania with the focus of setting up a full service dental clinic in Arusha to serve its poor population. The clinic will make it so other groups can come use the clinic in the future and deliver much-needed dental care in the area.

The dental procedures the team performed while in the country ranged from surgical extractions, root canals, fillings, crowns, dentures and cleaning. The dentists also trained the local dentists in new techniques to which they only have limited access. In addition to working closely with the dentists during procedures, the assistants engaged the patient population and taught them oral hygiene and trained the local assistants.

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